Welcome to the Emory University Clairmont Campus blog! This is the official blog of Clairmont. We hope to keep this updated regularly to keep residents and guests informed of community information and events happening throughout the year.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Clairmont FAQs and Kitchen Gardens Program Time Change

Hi Everyone!

First, just a quick heads up that our kitchen gardens program, which was originally scheduled for tonight, has been re-scheduled for June 6th at 7PM.

I also wanted to take a minute to answer a few commonly asked questions, which will hopefully make your time here at Clairmont both easier and a bit more enjoyable.

Trash: I know there has been some confusion about where trash is located. Trash chutes are available in the parking decks. Please bring your trash here so that it can be removed by our facilities staff quickly. It will also help us to keep down on critters, which seem to multiply quickly in the summer months!

Lockouts: If you get locked out, you should follow these simple steps, which will get you in contact with the Clairmont On Call Staff in the quickest manner
  1. Call 404-686-5500
  2. It will prompt you for the Page ID Number. Enter: 18879
  3. Enter your phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)

The on-call staff will call you back within 10 minutes. Also, you can use your key to unlock your bedroom door permanently, if you wish!

Programs: We’ll have programs each week! Keep your eyes open for some flyers that will be coming around. Here are some of our upcoming programs:

                Smoothie Making: June 5th at 7PM, SAAC Lobby
                Kitchen Garden (Plant Herbs in Mini Pots for Your Apartment): June 6th at 7PM, SAAC Lobby
                Open Hours at Colleen’s Apartment: June 11th 8-10 PM, Apartment BP03

Quiet Hours:  A quick reminder that quiet hours begin at Midnight Sunday-Thursday, and at 1AM on Friday and Saturday. Courteousy hours are in effect outside of those hours. Please be respectful of your neighbors!

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