Welcome to the Emory University Clairmont Campus blog! This is the official blog of Clairmont. We hope to keep this updated regularly to keep residents and guests informed of community information and events happening throughout the year.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Smoothie Recipes!

Hey Everyone,

Last week, we had an awesome program for smoothie making! We're so happy that so many of you were able to make it out. We know that we inspired many of you to make your own smoothies in the future, so we wanted to share a few of our favorites:

Strawberry Banana
1 banana
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup milk (low fat or skim)
2 tablespoons vanilla yogurt (low fat or fat free)

Very Berry
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen blackberries
1 cup milk (low fat or skim)
2 tablespoons strawberry yogurt (low fat or fat free)

Truly Tropical
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1/2 cup frozen mango
1 banana
1 cup milk (low fat or skim)
2 tablespoons vanilla yogurt (low fat or fat free)

Georgia's Favorite
1 cup frozen peaches
1 cup milk (low fat or fat free)
2 tablespoons vanilla yogurt (low fat or fat free)

  • By using frozen fruit, you don't need to add ice! If you'd like it colder, or want to use fresh fruit, be sure to add some ice to the mixture
  • For extra protein, check out greek yogurt
  • The yogurt is an optional ingredient, you don't have to add it!
  • For a protein boost, and some omega-3 fatty acids (read: healthy stuff), add some flax seeds
  • For a fiber boost (read: healthy!), add some chia seeds
  • Make ahead breakfast idea: Add one of the above smoothies, chia seeds, and some uncooked oatmeal. Put it in the fridge overnight. It sounds crazy, but it works! It turns into the texture of a mousse/ soft ice cream.

Volunteer Opportunity

Hey Everyone! If you're looking for another way to get involved on campus this summer, check out this great volunteer opportunity with the Emory Med School.


We need volunteers to dance with older adults in adapted tango classes at Kingsbridge Retirement community (3055 Briarcliff Road) from June 11- Aug. 30.Classes meet Monday through Thursday from 10:15-11:45.We would like volunteers to arrive at least 20 minutes early to participate in set up of the room, as well as work with the "students" (the older adults) to remember steps previously learned. We need as much volunteer help as possible so we are happy to welcome you to the classes whenever you can make it, any of those four days of classes. It is best however, to get on a regular schedule. Adapted tango is being studied as an intervention in an Emory sponsored study
evaluating the effects of novel exercise for older adults.

Please send out to anyone you think might have a little bit of interest!

We're also looking for volunteers starting July 3, for Tuesdays and Thursdays at Clairmont Place (next to Highland Lake apts), for 1:30-3 pm and 6:30-8pm  classes.

If you are interested, please contact Dr. Madeline Hackney with the contact information listed below:

Madeleine E. Hackney, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Geriatric Medicine/Gerontology
Emory School of Medicine

Research Health Scientist
Rehab R&D Center (151R)
Atlanta VA Medical Center
1670 Clairmont Rd.
Decatur, GA 30033
(404) 321-6111, x 5006
(314) 412-4852 (cell)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

50 Fun Things to Do in Atlanta

Hi, Clairmont!

We're all looking for ways to keep this summer productive and fun! Many of us are here for classes, some for work, others for internships. Productivity: Check! What about the fun? Atlanta.net has listed 50 great places/events that are affordable, interesting, and generally available all summer long! They include...

  Zoo Atlanta

Google any of these places/events for more information. Off to summer fun we go!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Kitchen Garden Tips

Hi Everyone,

We'll be having our Kitchen Garden program on Wednesday at the SAAC. We wanted to provide you with a few tips to keep that newly planted garden green and growing strong. Here they are!

  • When determining whether or not your plant needs to be watered, touch the soil. It should be damp to the touch
  • Partial sunlight is the best option for most plants, especially in the Georgia heat
  • It's kind of like a pet- you need to keep an eye on it!
  • Mint loves especially damp soil
  • Thyme, Rosemary, and Basil all need less water
  • Rotate your crops! Don't plant crops of the same family in the same area in consecutive years
Those are our tips for now. See you on Wednesday night at the SAAC!